Most Recent Publications
Philpott R. A. 2025 Port Louis: An archaeological and historical survey of the first capital of the Falkland Islands, Archaeopress, Oxford.
Philpott R. A., Leech R.H. and Morris E. L. 2021 Searching for the 17th century on Nevis: The Survey and Excavation of Two Early Plantation Sites, Archaeopress, Oxford.
Philpott R. A. (ed.) 2015 The Pottery and Clay Tobacco Pipe Industries of Rainford, St Helens. New Research, Merseyside Archaeological Society, Liverpool.
Philpott R. A. 2007 The Early Falkland Islands Company Settlements: An Archaeological Survey, The Archaeology of the Falkland Islands 1, Falkland Islands Museum and National Trust/National Museums Liverpool, 104 pp.
Philpott R. A. 2009 Keppel. A South American Missionary Society Settlement in the Falkland Islands, 1855-1911. An Archaeological and Historical Survey, The Archaeology of the Falkland Islands 2, Falkland Islands Museum and National Trust/National Museums Liverpool, 142 pp.
Griffiths D., Philpott R. A and Egan G. 2007 Meols: The Archaeology of the North Wirral Coast: Discoveries and observations in the 19th and 20th centuries, with a catalogue of collections, Oxford University School of Archaeology Monograph 68, Institute of Archaeology, Oxford University, 498 pp.
Other Publications
Philpott R. A. (ed.) 2015 The Pottery and Clay Tobacco Pipe Industries of Rainford, St Helens, New Research, Merseyside Archaeological Society, Liverpool.
Gregory R. A., Raynor C., Adams M., Philpott R., Howard-Davis C., Johnson N., Hughes V. and Higgins D. A. 2014 Archaeology at the Waterfront: 1. Investigating Liverpool’s Historic Docks, Lancaster Imprints 23, Oxford Archaeology North, Lancaster.
Philpott R. A. and Adams M. H. 2010 Irby, Wirral: Excavations on a Late Prehistoric, Romano-British and Medieval Site, 1987-96, National Museums Liverpool, 270 pp.
Graham-Campbell J. and Philpott R. (eds) 2009 The Huxley Viking Hoard: Scandinavian Settlement in the North West, National Museums Liverpool, 104 pp.
Philpott R. A. 2009 Keppel. A South American Missionary Society Settlement in the Falkland Islands, 1855-1911. An Archaeological and Historical Survey, The Archaeology of the Falkland Islands 2, Falkland Islands Museum and National Trust/National Museums Liverpool, 142 pp.
Philpott R. A. 2007 The Early Falkland Islands Company Settlements: An Archaeological Survey, The Archaeology of the Falkland Islands 1, Falkland Islands Museum and National Trust/National Museums Liverpool, 104 pp.
Griffiths D., Philpott R. A and Egan G. 2007 Meols: The Archaeology of the North Wirral Coast: Discoveries and observations in the 19th and 20th centuries, with a catalogue of collections, Oxford University School of Archaeology Monograph 68, Institute of Archaeology, Oxford University, 498 pp.
Cowell R. W. and Philpott R. A. 2000 Prehistoric, Roman and medieval excavations in the Lowlands of North West England: Excavations along the Line of the A5300 in Tarbock and Halewood, National Museums and Galleries on Merseyside, Liverpool, 256 pp.
Philpott R. A. 1991 Burial Practices in Roman Britain: A survey of grave treatment and furnishing A.D. 43-410 British Archaeological Reports British Series 219, 472 pp.
Philpott R. A. 1988 Historic Towns of the Merseyside Area: a survey of urban settlement to c. 1800 Liverpool Museum Occasional Paper, No. 3, 60 pp.
Articles and Notes
Philpott R. A. 2018 ‘An assessment of the utility of supervised metal detecting in development-led archaeological work in Cheshire’ J Chester Archaeol Soc 88, 87-113.
Philpott R. A. 2020 ‘Early Byzantine Copper Coins from Lowland North-West England: New Finds from Wirral, Cheshire and West Lancashire’ J Chester Archaeol Soc 90, 51-70.
Philpott R. A. and Brett J. 2020 ‘An Archaeological Survey of Sugar Plantations in St Kitts, 2004 and 2005’ in Leech R. and Leech P. (eds) The Colonial Landscape of the British Caribbean, Society for Post-Medieval Archaeology monograph, The Boydell Press, Woodbridge, 131-171.
Mytum H., Philpott R., Carr G. and Saunders N. 2020 ‘ “Almost a model of its kind”: Les Blanches Banques Camp for German World War I military prisoners’ Societe Jersiasie 841-63.
Speakman J., Harthen D., Callander E. and Ahmad C. 2011 A Beacon on the Past: A Community Archaeology Project at Leasowe Lighthouse, Wirral 2007, NML, 52pp.
Towle A. C. and Speakman J. I. 2012 ‘A Yeoman Farm in St Helens: Excavations at Big Lea Green Farm, Sutton, 2002’, J Merseyside Archaeol Soc 14. [section]
Philpott R. A. 2015 ‘Excavations on a Medieval Site at Meadow Lane, West Derby, 1989’ J Merseyside Archaeol Soc 15, 76-94.
Cowell R. W. and Philpott R. A. 2007 ‘Liverpool Before Liverpool: An Archaeological View’ Liverpool History Society Journal 6, 5-11.
Bienkowski P., Adams R., Philpott R. A. and L. Sedman 1997 ‘Soundings at Ash-Shorabat and Khirbat Dubab in the Wadi Hasa, Jordan: The Stratigraphy’ Levant 29, 41-70.
Cowell R. W. and Philpott R. A. 1994 ‘Some Finds from Cheshire reported to Liverpool Museum’ Cheshire Past 3, 10-11.
Davey P. J. and Philpott R. A. 1992 ‘Peel Town Sampling Project, 1985’ in J. Lewis (ed.) 1992 Peel Town: An Archaeological and Architectural Assessment Douglas, Isle of Man: Isle of Man Government/University of Liverpool, 55-73.
Philpott R. A. 1983a 'Sampling Excavations in Prescot, 1983-4 (Sites 6-26)' with P.J. Davey, J Merseyside Archaeol Soc 5, 1982-83, 39-48.
Philpott R. A. 1983b 'Prescot and its Archaeology' J Merseyside Archaeol Soc 5, 1982-83, 107-109.
Philpott R. A. 1984a 'The Glass' pp. 90-91, 104-108; in Barker D. and Barker B. 1984 ' A Late 18th Century Pit Group from Haregate Hall, Leek, Staffordshire' Staffordshire Archaeological Studies 1, 1984, 87-136.
Philpott R. A. 1984b Prescot Sampling Project 1983-84 (with P.J. Davey). Monograph, North West Archaeological Trust, Liverpool.
Philpott R. A. 1987a 'Merseyside in the Roman Period' J Merseyside Archaeol Soc 7, 1986-87, 61-74.
Philpott R. A. 1987b 'The Medieval Towns of Merseyside' J Merseyside Archaeol Soc 7, 1986-87, 105-120.
Philpott R. A. 1993 'A Romano-British Farmstead at Irby, Wirral, and its Place in the Landscape' Archaeology North-West 5, 19-25.
Philpott R. A. 1993 Review article: Michael Nevell, Tameside before 1066. Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council with Greater Manchester Archaeological Unit. 1992. Transactions of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire 143, 238-9.
Philpott R. A. 1993 'Late Roman cemetery organisation in Roman Britain' in Struck M. (ed) Römerzeitliche Gräber als Quellen zu Religion, Bevölkerungsstruktur und Sozialgeschichte Archäologische Schriften des Instituts für Vor- und Frühgeschichte der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz 3, 413-20.
Philpott R. A. 1993 'Personal Ornaments and Burial Practices in Roman Britain' in Struck M. (ed) Römerzeitliche Gräber als Quellen zu Religion, Bevölkerungsstruktur und Sozialgeschichte Archäologische Schriften des Instituts für Vor- und Frühgeschichte der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz 3, 167-79.
Philpott R. A. 1994 'An Archaeological Survey at Port Egmont, Saunders Island, 1992' The Falkland Islands Journal 6 (part 3), 86-105.
Philpott R. A. 1994 'The Implications of Irby' in Carrington P. (ed.) From Flints to Flower Pots: Current research in the Dee-Mersey region. Papers from a seminar held at Chester, February 1994 Chester City Council: Archaeological Service Occasional Paper No. 2, pp. 26-32.
Philpott R. A. 1996a ‘Port Egmont: the Earliest British Settlement in the Falkland Islands’ Post-Medieval Archaeology 30, 1-63.
Philpott R. A. 1996b ‘New Light on the Early Settlement at Port Louis, East Falkland: The French Occupation 1764-7’ Falkland Islands Journal 6 (part 5), 54-67.
Philpott R. A.1998a ’Keppel Island: An Interim Report on the Archaeological Survey, 1997’ Falkland Islands Journal Vol 7 (part 2), 99-112.
Philpott R. A. 1998b ‘New Evidence from Aerial Reconnaissance for Roman Military Sites in Cheshire’ Britannia 29, 341-353.
Philpott R. A. 1999a ‘Three Byzantine Coins found near the North Wirral Coast in Merseyside’ Trans Historic Soc Lancashire Cheshire 148, 197-202.
Philpott R. A. 1999b 'A Romano-British Brooch Type from North-West England' Britannia, 30, 274-86.
Philpott R. A. 2000 ‘Recent Anglo-Saxon Finds from Merseyside and Cheshire and their archaeological significance’ Medieval Archaeology 43, 194-202.
Philpott R. A. 2001 ‘The Falkland Islands Archaeological Survey: A Case Study’ in Wise P. (ed.) Indulgence or Necessity? Research in Museum Archaeology, Society of Museum Archaeologists Conference Proceedings, Stoke-on-Trent 1999, 48-55.
Philpott R. A. 2001 ‘The Northern Cornovii’ West Midlands Archaeology 44, 13-16.
Philpott R. A. 2005 ‘Romano-British Rural Settlement in the Dee-Mersey Region: some themes’ in Nevell M. and Redhead N. 2005 Mellor: Living on the Edge. A Regional Study of an Iron Age and Romano-British Upland Settlement, University of Manchester Archaeological Unit, Greater Manchester Archaeological Unit and Mellor Archaeological Trust, pp. 77-86.
Philpott R.A. 2006 ‘South-West Lancashire from the Roman Conquest to the Middle Ages’ South-West Lancashire Pevsner Architectural Guide, Yale University Press, London and New Haven, 14-22.
Philpott R. A. 2006 ‘The Romano-British Period Resource Assessment’ in Brennand M (ed.) The Archaeology of North West England, An Archaeological Research Framework for North West England: Volume 1 Resource Assessment, Archaeology North West 8, 59-90.
Philpott R. A. 2008 ‘Searching for Lost Settlements - the example of Meols’ in Lewis J. M. and Stanistreet J. E. (eds) Sand and Sea - Sefton's Coastal Heritage : archaeology, history and environment of a landscape in north-west England, Sefton Council, Leisure Services Department (Libraries), 44-63.
Philpott R. A. 2008 ‘Roman Merseyside: Twenty-five years on’ J Merseyside Archaeol Soc 12, 27-60.
Philpott R. A. 2008 ‘Medieval Settlement in Merseyside’ J Merseyside Archaeol Soc 12, 69-86.
Philpott R. A. 2009 ‘Review. The Dictionary of Falklands Biography, ed David Tatham’ Nimrod. The Journal of the Ernest Shackleton Summer School 3, 121-130.
Philpott R. A. 2015 ‘Viking Age Rural Settlement in Lowland North-West England: Identifying the invisible?’ in Harding S. E., Griffiths D. and Royles E. In Search of Vikings; Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Scandinavian Heritage of North-West England, CRC Press, Boca Raton, 109-125.
Philpott R. A. 2015 ‘Excavations on a Medieval Site at Meadow Lane, West Derby, 1989’ J Merseyside Archaeol Soc 15, 76-94.
Philpott R. A. and Adams M.1999 ‘An Interim Report on the Excavations of an Iron Age and Romano-British Site at Irby, Wirral’ in M. Nevell (ed.) Living on the Edge of Empire: Models, Methodology & Marginality. Late-Prehistoric and Romano-British Rural Settlement in North-West England Archaeology North West 3 (for 1998), 64-73.
Philpott R. A. and Eshelman R. E. 2004 ‘A Fuegian Projectile Point found on Steeple Jason, Falkland Islands’ Falkland Islands Journal 8, (part 3), 46-58.
Philpott R. A. and Lewis J. M. 1999 ‘The Human Influence: the Norman Conquest - Industrial Revolution’ in Greenwood E.F. (ed.) Ecology and Landscape Development. A History of the Mersey Basin Liverpool University Press/NMGM, 45-55.
Philpott R. A. and Nicholson S. M. 2001 ‘Historical Research’ pp. 104-5, in Warhurst M. ‘Four Seventeenth Century Coin Hoards from Congleton, Cheshire’ British Numismatic J 71, 91-110.
Philpott R. A. and Reece R. 1993 'Sépultures rurales en Bretagne romaine', in Monde des morts and monde des vivants en Gaule romaine, 6th supplement of la Revue Archéologique du Centre de la France, 417-23.
Swan V. and Philpott R. A. 2000 ‘Legio XX VV and Tile Production at Tarbock, Merseyside’ Britannia 31, 55-67.
Warhurst M., Philpott R., Nicholson S. and Edwards J 2001. “Four seventeenth century coin hoards from Congleton, Cheshire,” British Numismatic Journal 71, 91-110,
Unpublished reports with significant research element
Philpott R. A., Simmons P. and Cowell R. W. 1993 An Archaeological Evaluation at Southworth Hall Farm, Croft, Cheshire, February 1993, unpublished report, Liverpool Museum.