Dr Robert Philpott, BA Hons PGCE PhD FSA MCIfA
I am a freelance archaeological consultant based in Southport, Merseyside. I work as a part-time Research Associate in the Department of Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology, and am a part-time Continuing Education Lecturer at the University of Liverpool. I was Head of Archaeology at National Museums Liverpool until 2015. I have been involved for three decades in research into the Romano-British and later rural settlement in the lowland North West through aerial reconnaisance, fieldwalking and excavation. I have excavated and published a number of Roman, medieval and post-medieval sites in the region.
My ongoing research projects include the archaeology of sugar plantations in St Kitts and Nevis, West Indies in collaboration with the Nevis Heritage Project at the University of Southampton, and the archaeology of the colonial settlements of the Falkland Islands (18th and 19th centuries), funded by the Falkland Islands Museum and the Shackleton Scholarship Fund. I have a research interest in the post-medieval ceramics from the North West of England. Recent publications include editing and contributing to a monograph on excavations of ceramic manufacturing site at Rainford near St Helens and a monograph on Port Louis, Falkland Islands. Currently I am involved in the publication of excavations on 17th to 19th century sugar plantations and urban sites on Nevis.